


We are an Ecuadorian pitahaya producer and exporter company our specialty is an exotic fruit, our star product is Golden Dragon Fruit.

If you are a fruit distributor in the United States, Singapore, Malaysia, or Hong Kong, you can coordinate your purchases with NankyFoods. 


If you are interested in buying pitahaya for private consumption, you can do it in the United States through our company: https://nantargreen.com

Pitahaya in the Trade in Shangai
Berlin Fair

Who is NankyFoods?

NankyFoods – Specialists in Yellow Dragon Fruit


We are an Ecuadorian company specializing in the production and export of Yellow Dragon Fruit. We supply importers in the United States of America, Canada, Asia, and Europe.


Nanky began in 2012 as a project led by women to support more women in the town of Palora, mainly heads of families through decent work that provides an income for themselves and their families.

Why work with Nanky Foods?

Why work with Nanky Foods

Because during these ten years, we have had great professional and personal experiences that have allowed us to grow and learn about the production and export of Pitahaya.


We are very detailed in executing the processes, but we also adapt to develop new personalized solutions; we collaborate closely with companies and industries.


We control the processes from the beginning of the production chain, through quality and monitoring systems, to the planting of fruit, the selection of supplies, fruit packaging, mobilization, and delivery of cargo at destination through our company and in alliance with the best service providers.


Also, we provide relevant information through production and harvest projections and statistics so that the client can make the best decisions in their business with Pitahaya and other exotic fruits, which we currently supply.


Finally, we have our plantation of yellow and red Pitahaya in Ecuador, and we have a packing center approved by Agrocalidad and FDA.

Trade in Hong Kong




In 2015 we were the first exporters of Yellow Dragon Fruit to Vancouver, Canada, that was an enormous experience.


APHIS and Agrocalidad signed a phytosanitary protocol between the USA and Ecuador in 2017; we were the first to export the fruit to California, USA.


These achievements were thanks to the confidence of our clients, who chose us among several exporters.


Agrocalidad is a government institution that controls the harvesting, post-harvesting, packing, and transporting processes of the fruit, ensuring compliance with the phytosanitary protocols to retain the quality and freshness of the product.


Our product, Pitahaya, also known as Yellow Dragon Fruit, is a native variety of the Ecuadorian Amazon, recognized internationally, mainly by the Asian market, for its outstanding nutritional value, exquisite flavor, and contribution to the digestive health of its consumers.


As specialists in the production and export of Yellow Dragon Fruit, we provide strategic market intelligence to our clients because this knowledge is essential in handling fresh fruits.


In every new negotiation, we seek to build a lasting business relationship based on trust and strategic alliances that generate growth opportunities. .